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Psych Talk:. Social psychology,How can we fight prejudice and discrimination? Part 5/5

November 21, 2020 Indrani Kukkadapu 0 Comments


Psych Talk: What are the ways to fight against the prejudice and discrimination.

                   -Compiled by; Indrani Kukkadapu

This webinar is organized by EMPOWER PEOPLE and the speaker's of this webinar are : Sumati and Mallika Bandyopadhyay on Society Today's Social Psychology series as part of Psych Talk on 21st November, 2020 i.e. Saturday at 8 pm LIVE .

We have seen that social categorization is a basic part of human nature and one that helps us to simplify our social worlds, to draw quick if potentially inaccurate conclusions about others, and to feel good about ourselves. In many cases, our preferences for ingroups may be relatively harmless—we may prefer to socialize with people who share our race or ethnicity for instance, but without particularly disliking the others. But categorizing others may also lead to prejudice and discrimination, and it may even do so without our awareness. Because prejudice and discrimination are so harmful to so many people, we must all work to get beyond them.

Discrimination influences the daily life of its victims in areas such as employment, income, financial opportunities, housing and educational opportunities, and medical care. 

Having summarised some of the important theoretical contributions to prejudice-reduction, I will now present a summary of the main types of interventions with evidence on effectiveness, drawing on case studies and suggesting some principles which may be usefully applied elsewhere. Again it is vital to note that the case studies are not intended to be directly applicable to prejudice-reduction in Scotland. For instance, some of them talk about successful interventions to improve intergroup relations in post-conflict societies, which may be dealing with tensions that often spills over into actual (violent) conflict, and we may also assume that these are likely to be more 'reactive' than preventative. However, it may be appropriate to apply some of the 'universal principles' emerging from these to future strategies.

A mixture of lab-based interventions and evaluations of prejudice-reduction initiatives 'in the field' make up the growing literature on 'what works', however the majority of studies are controlled and experimental, have taken place in psychology laboratories, and often with psychology students as participants. Fewer studies take place in 'real-life', in schools or communities for example.

Psych Talk: Social Psychology- Understanding Discrimination(Part 4/5)

November 15, 2020 AARUSHI JAIN 0 Comments


REPORT ON Psych Talk: Social Psychology- Understanding Discrimination


This is the webinar conducted by EMPOWER PEOPLE and the key speakers are : Sumati and Mallika on Sunday, 15th November, 2020 at 8 pm to understand the psychological aspects behind discrimination! Here we get to know the psychological aspects and how all other topics are Inter-related which this. So let's find it out.

Discrimination is the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation. Social psychologists investigate numerous topics in their research. Many of these subjects are related to social influence, social perception, and social interaction. Here are just a few of the major areas of interest within social psychology.

Prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes exist in any social group. Social psychologists are interested in the origins, causes, and effects of these types of attitudes and social categorization. How does prejudice develop? Why are stereotypes maintained in the face of contrary evidence? These are only a few of the questions social psychologists seek to answer.
Attitudes are not always reflected in overt actions, and prejudice is no exception to this. In many cases, people with negative attitudes toward various groups cannot express their views directly. Laws, social pressure, fear of retaliation all serve to deter them from putting their prejudiced views into practice

Overt action of discrimination- Example: barring people from public spaces, temples and buses.
But instances of hate crimes do exist.
Despite these extreme incidents, prejudice, in general, often finds expression in much more subtle forms of behavior. Many social psychologists believe that "old-fashioned racism," encompassing blatant feelings of superiority, has been replaced by more subtle forms, which they term modern racism.
Subtle Form of Discrimination can involve concealing prejudice from others in public settings, but expressing bigoted attitudes when it is safe to do so, for instance, in the company of friends known to share these views. It could also involve attempting to appear "color blind" and refusing to acknowledge race as a means of suggesting one isn't racist.
Social psychologists have recognized that many attitudes people hold are implicit- they exist and can influence behavior, but the people holding them may not be aware of their impact in some cases.
Bona fide Pipeline : Most are based on priming-where exposure to certain stimuli or events "prime" information held in memory, making it easier to bring to mind, or more available to influence our current reactions.
With this procedure, participants see various adjectives and are asked to indicate whether they have a "good" or "bad" meaning by pushing one of two buttons.

Research findings using this procedure indicate that people do indeed have implicit racial attitudes that are automatically elicited, and that such automatically elicited attitudes, in turn, can influence important forms of behavior such as decisions concerning others and the degree of friendliness that is expressed in interactions with them (Fazio & Hilden, 2001; Towles-Schwen & Fazio, 2001).

Despite the fact that blatant forms of racism and sexism have decreased, automatic prejudice is very much alive, and, through more subtle kinds of reactions, continues to affect behavior. People want to think of the groups that they belong to and identify with as being good and moral.

Motivated Forgetting.

There are other ways that people can deal with their group's harm-doing-such as motivated forgetting Sandra and Ross (2007) have shown that people's memory for harmful behaviors committed by their in group is not equivalent to their memory of instances where their in group was victimized by another group.

Exposure to how one's group has acted in a prejudiced fashion toward other groups can evoke defenses in order to avoid the aversive feelings of collective guilt-an emotional response that people can experience when they perceive their group as responsible for illegitimate wrong doings. This is known as collective guilt.

So in the crux of my topic is that we should not react before listening we need to need to be calm and composed before judging anyone. We need to listen before agreeing anything because now time we don't listen to other person we just impose a things and it's very difficult to distinguish even. So the discrimination need to be stopped as it is a very wrong practice which need changes time by time. It even tells how all the issues are Inter-related  in this webinar.