Vriskhayurveda in post COVID environment
Vriskhayurveda in Post COVID Environment
Streamed live on;June,08,2020
Compiled by; Indrani Kukkadapu
The following below presented webinar report is about the Vriskhayurveda,how it helps during covid-19. The webinar is hosted by Tanuja Singh. And the most significantly the panel representative who made us well acknowledged about vriskhayurveda is Dr. Sunitha T. Pandey who is from Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture,GBPUAT; Co-ordinator-Natural Farming Reasearch; Executive secretary,Asian Agri- History Foundation,GBPUAT. We can have the youtube link for the webinar below:https://youtu.be/SriBY2MCTmc
The hopes of tracing any independent text of Vrikshayurveda were given up by scholars, till Y L Nene (Chairman, Asian Agri-History Foundation) procured a manuscript of Vrikshayurveda of Surapala.
The manuscript is written in an old form of Nagari script. The script of the manuscript represents, most probably, the stage immediately preceding the modem form of Nagari. The script consists of sixty pages with margin on both sides. Each page contains six lines in general (occasionally five or seven). There are about thirty characters in each line written boldly with a thick pointed pen.
Brhatsamhita of Varahamihira of the sixth century also contains a chapter titled Vrikshayurveda. It also contains chapters on allied subjects such as divining groundwater, productivity and non-productivity of land as indicated by natural vegetation, etc. However, beyond establishing the antiquity of the sastra, it cannot give any definite clues to any full-fledged, independent texts on Vrikshayurveda.
An anthological compilation of Sarngadharapaddhati (written by Sarngadhara), belonging to the thirteenth century, is yet another ancient text which in its chapter "Upavanavinoda" deals with an allied subject, viz., "arbori-horticulture". The chapter discusses such topics as planting, soil, nourishment of plants, plant diseases and remedies, groundwater resources, etc. Thus it shares with Vrikshayurveda of Surapala almost all the topics. Many verses are identical and several others, although worded differently have an identical content. In spite of the striking resemblance between Upavanavinoda and Vrikshayurveda of Surapala, the former cannot be considered as a complete and independent text on Vrikshayurveda.
Surapal's Vrikshayurveda is a systematic composition starting with the glorification of trees and tree planting. It then proceeds to discuss various topics connected with the science of plant life such as procuring, preserving, and treating of seeds before planting; preparing pits for planting saplings; selection of soil; method of watering; nourishments and fertilizers; plant diseases and plant protection from internal and external diseases; layout of a garden; agricultural and horticultural wonders; groundwater resources; etc. The topics are neatly divided into different sections and are internally correlated. The author has expressed indebtedness to the earlier scholars but claims that in writing the present text he was guided by his own reason.
All these observations lead one to accept the text as an independent, full-fledged work on the subject of Vrikshayurveda. Sadhale informs that there are frequent references to this science in ancient Indian literature such as Atharvaveda, Brhatsamhita of Varahamihira, Sarngadharapaddhati of Sarngadhara, etc. which bring out the botanical and agricultural aspects; works such as the Samhitas of Caraka and Susruta which bring out the medicinal aspect; and works such as Grhyasutras, Manusmrti, Arthasastra of Kautilya, Sukraniti, Krishisangraha of Parasara, Kamandakiya Nitisara, Buddhist Jatakas, Puranas (Matsya, Varaha, Padma, Agni, etc.).
The colophon of the manuscript mentions Surapala as the writer of the text. He is described as a scholar in the court of Bhimapala. Surapala is stated to be "Vaidyavidyavarenya", a prominent physician.
In post covid-19,the people missed out the immunity which is the main significant thing we should had. In vriskhayurveda, we can get the immunity through the plants. The explanation is all about that the immunity which we get from the plants made us stronger and healthier. As this is known that not so many can have knowledge regarding vriskhayurveda. Not even in agricultural Universities,colleges etc mentioning about it. Ancients,did lot of reasearchs and pour themselves to utilize the facilities which we get from plants.
For a particular disease like cough,cold, there are some special available medicines which we get from plants. Behind this,there are lot of efforts to sort out all those. And there is 100% percent gurantee with no side effects in these.
Through the uttarakhand government , trying to introduce the vriskhayurveda course with less cost charges.
The queries regarding webinar negotiated topic are about the genetic produced seeds are good for the usage in fields...Do vriskhayurveda supports it or not?
The explanation for this is absolutely not. Organic farming is the thing which nature itself presents. Even for that there are specific methods which we already know that cross production etc.
Regarding the whole webinar, is about the
Vriskhayurveda how it could helps to improve immunity during covid-19.